Advanced Search

This functions allows you to specify a number of different parameters that will be used to search through the available data. You may leave any of the fields blank if you do not wish to return a specific value for that parameter.


The state or state-level (e.g. Puerto Rico, Guam...) jurisdiction with which the flood risk study project is associated. A project may be associated with more than one state.


The county or country-level jurisdiction (e.g. Louisiana parish or Virginia independent city) with which the flood risk study project is associated. A project may be associated with more than one county.

Community Name

The community or community-level jurisdiction with which the flood risk study project is associated. For studies done on a countywide basis, the community listed may either be all unincorporated areas within a county, denoted with an asterisk after the county name (e.g. Fairfax County *) or the entire county, denoted with a Countywide designation (e.g. Fairfax County Countywide). A project may be associated with more than one county.

Type of Data Product

The specific type of engineering task or portion of the flood risk study process with which a particular data upload is associated. Each particular data upload can only be associated with a single Type of Data Product.

FEMA Case Number

The unique identifier assigned by FEMA to a particular flood risk study project.

Effective Date From/To

The date when a flood risk study project becomes official for the purposes of making determinations under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The Effective Date is printed on published regulatory products.

Project ID/Name

The Project ID/Name is the unique internal designation given to flood risk study projects. It is used for program and project tracking purposes within FEMA.

Community ID

The unique Community Identification (CID) number assigned by FEMA to the community or communities included in a flood risk study project. A particular community's CID can be looked up in the NFIP's Community Status Book.


This is an attribute located in the metadata accompanying a particular data upload that describes the data contained in the upload. The Originator is the name of an organization or individual that developed the data set. For existing data, Originator would be the data provider. For data developed for the study, Originator would be the responsible party, for example the IDIQ, CTP, or other federal agency.

Contact Name

This is an attribute located in the metadata accompanying a particular data upload that describes the data contained in the upload. The Contact Name is the name given for an individual that is knowledgeable about the data set.


This is an attribute located in the metadata accompanying a particular data upload that describes the data contained in the upload. The Abstract is a brief narrative summary of the dataset.

Entity Type

This is an attribute located in the metadata accompanying a particular data upload that describes the data contained in the upload. The possible values for this attribute are specified by FEMA in "FEMA Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners, Appendix D: Guidance for Coastal Flooding Analyses and Mapping." Standard values include "Bathymetry," "Transect," "StillwaterFloodElevation," "BaseFloodElevations," "FloodHazardBoundaries," and "HydroModels."


This is an attribute located in the metadata accompanying a particular data upload that describes the data contained in the upload. The Projection is the name of the map projection system used to create the mapping data in the upload. Possible values include "Albers Conical Equal Area," "Azimuthal Equidistant," "Equidistant Conic," "Equirectangular," "General Vertical Nearsided Projection," "Gnomonic," "Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area," "Lambert Conformal Conic," "Mercator," "Modified Stereographic for Alaska," "Miller Cylindrical," "Oblique Mercator," "Orthographic," "Polar Stereographic," "Polyconic," "Robinson," "Sinusoidal," "Space Oblique Mercator," "Stereographic," "Transverse Mercator," and "van der Grinten."

Grid Coordinate System

This is an attribute located in the metadata accompanying a particular data upload that describes the data contained in the upload. The Grid Coordinate System is the name of the plane-rectangular coordinate system usually based on, and mathematically adjusted to, a map projection so that geographic positions can be readily transformed to and from plane coordinates. Possible values include ""Universal Transverse Mercator," "Universal Polar Stereographic," "State Plane Coordinate System 1927," "State Plane Coordinate System 1983," and "ARC Coordinate System."

Fiscal Year

This is the government Fiscal Year (FY) during which the flood risk study project was funded that is associated with a particular data upload.

Flooding Source

The specific body of water being studied as part of the flood risk study project with which a particular upload is associated.

Date Uploaded

The date on which a particular data upload was successfully submitted to the FEMA Mapping Information Platform (MIP).