This document provides general guidelines for finalizing cost and schedule information in the Manage Data Development (MDD) screen. In order to complete the MDD task, the following must occur: 1. All data development and associated QA validation activities must be complete before the Manager can complete the Manage Data Development task 2. The Area Complete check box is checked to indicate all activities are complete and QA validation steps have passed - The Area Complete check box is grayed out and unavailable to check until all data development and associated QA activities are complete 3. Enter the Final Cost 4. Update the As Of date - The As Of date must be on or before the Actual End Date - You cannot enter an As Of date earlier than the one displayed - Contact MIP Help if an As Of date has been incorrectly entered and you need it removed 5. Update Percent Complete to 100 - Percent Complete, along with the cost and schedule information, impacts EV calculations 6. Enter the Actual End Date 7. Click Update Status to save the information - Always click Update Status before continuing. If you click Save & Close or Continue before Update Status, all previously entered information will be lost * Note: steps 2-6 can be completed in any order before clicking Update Status These steps also apply for Independent QA activities, except Independent QA activities do not have an Area Complete check box. But the Independent QA activity must be complete in order to complete the other fields. The MDD activity can remain open on your Work Item List for 90 days or until all invoices are received and cost information is entered. This activity can remain open on your Work Item List while you move on to the Manage Preliminary Map Products activity. Do not complete the MDD activity until all cost information is entered. When all cost information is entered, click Complete Task. Common Questions: Q: If I get an invoice after I’ve entered the actual end date, which As Of date do I use? A: Once a user has added the Actual End Date, this is the last date that should be used. If you get an invoice 2 weeks after the actual end date, input the actual end date into the As Of date field. The system will not allow a user to enter a future date. Q: I submit for QA on my contract date, but can’t complete the task (add Actual End Date) until I pass QA. But sometimes it takes weeks/months for the QA results. Then I have to contact MIP Help to change the Actual End Date back to the contract date. How can I avoid changing the date with MIP Help? A: The Actual End Date for a task in the contract (or Mapping Activity Statement) should include time for Independent QA. A data development task is not be considered complete until it has a passing QA report and therefore the time for the review should be included for the overall due date for that task. You should not have MIP Help change the Actual End Date back to the contract date. Q: If there has not been any progress on my project in the last month, do I still have to update the MIP? If so, how do I indicate there has been no progress? A: Yes. It is required that mapping partners update their information on the MIP monthly. Even if you have had no progress on your project, enter in a new As Of Date, but leave the Percent Complete and Actual Cost fields the same. Further, if a project has been stalled for several months, work with your Regional Project Officer to determine if the project should be put on hold. Q: Is there a way to update information on multiple projects at the same time? A: No. You must enter into each project to update costs and schedule information. Each project needs to be updated individually to ensure that mapping partners are looking at and reviewing the data.