Frequently Asked Questions: DFIRM Tools – Map Production Pro


Why do I get the "Please populate 'T' or 'F' of 'DOQ Based' field in Study_Info table for this project" message when I tried to export a layout to image files?

Error message


The value in the field DOQ_BASED in the Study_Info table determines to which image formats the layout will be exported. Only 'T' and 'F' are appropriate values, in order to export the layout(s) to image format. To edit the DOQ_BASED value in the Study_Info table, use the DFIRM Layer Data Loader tool to add the Study_Info table to your project. Enter an editing session, select the record in the Study_Info table, and use the Add New Row tool on the GeoPop toolbar to edit the DOQ_BASED value in the Study_Info table. Once you have saved the edits to the table, stop editing, and start exporting your layout again.

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