DFIRM Tools FAQs: Work Map Pro

  1. The text in the panel layout is too large and extends past the bounding box.
  2. The panel that is generated when I create the layout is not the same panel that I have checked off in the panel box.
  3. I have selected multiple panels and changed the title and/or scale information.  However, my changes are not being displayed on all of the panels.
  4. How do I send my panel layouts to my local printer?
  5. I made changes to my legend in Work Map Pro, but my changes are not being displayed when I preview my panel again.

1.  The text in the panel layout is too large and extends past the bounding box.

Check the units of your page size under Page Setup.  The measurements should be in inches, not centimeters or points.

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2.  The panel that is generated when I create the layout is not the same panel that I have checked off in the panel box.

In the panel selection box, those panels that are checked will be printed, but the panel that is selected (highlighted in blue) will appear in the generated layout.  Checked panels will be printed to PDF.  Highlighted panel will appear in generated layout.

Work Map Pro window

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3.  I have selected multiple panels and changed the title and/or scale information. However, my changes are not being displayed on all of the panels.

If multiple panels have been selected, changes made to the title and scale will be applied only to the first selected panel.  Subsequent panels selected will have the original panel information.

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4.  How do I send my panel layouts to my local printer?

You can not send panel layouts to your local printer directly from Citrix.  The print properties in Work Map Pro have been set to create a PDF file in landscape format, 44 inches by 34 inches (ANSI E).  The PDF file can be downloaded for printing.

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5.  I made changes to my legend in Work Map Pro, but my changes are not being displayed when I preview my panel again.

If you preview the panel that you just modified, it will cause a re-draw, and your style changes will be lost.

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