1. The following error message appears when I try to uncheck the previous step…
  2. Which steps in the workflow require child jobs to be created?
  3. Why can’t I mark my parent step as being finished?
  4. The following message appears when I mark step 41 finished…

1.  The following error message appears when I try to uncheck the previous step:

Error Number 91

Users cannot uncheck a step in which a version is created. If you are working in a child job and want to go back to the previous parent step, you must mark all of the steps in the child job complete and close the child job. Once you are back in a parent job, you can uncheck the previous step(s) until you are back at the step where you need to be.

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2.  Which steps in the workflow require child jobs to be created?

Any steps that involve data editing require the creation of at least one child job as a data protection measure.

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3.  Why can’t I mark my parent step as being finished?

The parent job will not be able to advance to the next step until all related child jobs are closed.

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4.  The following message appears when I mark step 41 finished:

Re-Assigning Job window

During step 42 (Reconcile and Post using the JTX Toolbar to Capture Transactions) all of your finalized data will be committed to the master database.  A JTX Administrator will reconcile and post your data to protect the integrity of the finalized data and master database.  (Note: JTX Administrators have additional privileges not granted to Group Administrators.  JTX administrators oversee JTX configurations and maintenance.)  Once your data has been committed to the master database, new jobs can be created to make future revisions.

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