Preliminary FEMA Map Products |
Preliminary flood hazard data (preliminary data) provide the public an early look at their home or community‘s projected risk to flood hazards. Preliminary data may include: new or revised Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), Flood Insurance Study (FIS) reports, and FIRM Databases. This tool makes nation-wide preliminary data available in a centralized and easily accessible location, along with FEMA‘s other flood hazard mapping products.
For more information about preliminary data, go to FEMA‘s Preliminary Flood Hazard Data webpage.
Please note, if you do not see your community‘s preliminary data, contact the FEMA Map Information eXchange (FMIX) for further support.
Disclaimer: Preliminary data are for review and guidance purposes only. By viewing preliminary data and maps, the user acknowledges that the information provided is preliminary and subject to change. Preliminary data, including new or revised FIRMs, FIS reports, and FIRM Databases, are not final and are presented on the MSC as the best information available at this time. Additionally, preliminary data cannot be used to rate flood insurance policies or enforce the Federal mandatory purchase requirement. FEMA will remove preliminary data once effective data are available. |
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