Revised Preliminary Guidance for MIP Case-Numbered Projects – Mapping Partner Responsibilities Situation When a study project has been issued preliminary and needs significant modification, it may be necessary to issue a revised set of preliminary maps. The need for a revised preliminary Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM) is determined by FEMA through coordination with the community. The revised preliminary process usually requires a contract modification in order to change the project scope, period of performance, and funding. Issue The Mapping Information Platform (MIP) studies workflow currently cannot track a preliminary study project and a revised preliminary study project under the same case number. Solution While task order contract modification is underway, the mapping partner or FEMA Regional Engineer must notify the regional MIP Champion or Black Belt to create a revised preliminary study project in the MIP. The mapping partner should stop and not complete any further workflow tasks in the original case. The contract modification should include funding and a schedule for new tasks. The tasks in the contract modification must include at least a new draft DFIRM database; preliminary map production; and, if necessary, post preliminary activities through appeal resolution. Once the task order contract modification is complete, the schedule and task funding amounts must be provided to the regional MIP Champion or Black Belt for project obligation in the MIP. The original project will be placed “on hold,” with the same projected schedule as the revised preliminary project. Once the revised preliminary project is complete, its costs and schedule will be combined with those of the preliminary study project. This information will be entered into the MIP through the backend as a second “Develop DFIRM Database” task under the original case number. Detailed Steps Request a New Revised Preliminary Study Project. Contact the regional MIP Champion or Black Belt to open a revised preliminary study project in the MIP. The new project will be given the name of the original project, with “revised prelim” added at the end. Provide the revised preliminary project schedule and task funding amounts to the regional MIP Champion or Black Belt for project obligation. That individual will assign the mapping partner the data development, preliminary map production, and post-preliminary tasks outlined by the task order contract modification. This will establish the baseline schedule and cost for the revised preliminary project. Complete Revised Preliminary Project Tasks. Complete all data development steps required by the task order contract modification. Create a new draft DFIRM and submit it through the MIP for Quality Review 1 at least one week prior to the task baseline end date to comply with Procedure Memorandum 42. When the data development tasks are complete, the project will move into preliminary map production. Complete all preliminary map production steps required by the task order contract modification. Create a revised preliminary DFIRM and submit it through the MIP for Quality Review 2 at least 30 days prior to the planned preliminary date (also the task baseline end date) to comply with Procedure Memorandum 42. Submit the revised hardcopy maps for Quality Review 3 at least 30 days prior to the planned preliminary date (also the task baseline end date). When the preliminary map production tasks are complete, the project will move into post preliminary map production. Complete the community meeting steps that are part of post-preliminary processing. Continue in the MIP workflow to the “Determine if Appeal Period is Required” activity. If it is determined that an appeal period is not required for the revised preliminary, contact the regional MIP Champion or Black Belt to close the revised preliminary study project in the MIP. If an appeal period is required, complete the project steps through the “Distribute Appeal Resolution” activity in the MIP, then contact the regional MIP Champion or Black Belt to close the revised preliminary study project in the MIP. Complete the Original Project. All cost and schedule information for the revised preliminary project will be added to the original project by MIP Help. The revised preliminary project status will be changed to “closed” by the regional MIP Champion or Black Belt. Complete the post preliminary workflow steps for the original study project until the project is issued as effective. Notify the regional MIP Champion or Black Belt of any additional changes to the budget or schedule that affect the original study project.