What’s New in the MIP Ad-Hoc Reporting System (MARS) Background The Mapping Information Platform (MIP) is an online, workflow-driven tool that was developed during FEMA’s Map Modernization (Map Mod) program that provides for the management, production, extraction and sharing of flood hazard data. It is also a project management and accountability tool that provides mapping project status and program management reports. One way to retrieve this system data is by using the MIP Ad-Hoc Reporting System (MARS), which is an online tool that allows users to create ad-hoc reports on demand. MARS Features . Features of the MARS system include: . Data elements for Amendments, Studies and Revisions reports . Status information for Amendments and Revisions cases . User access is from within the MIP, not a separate link . Data is pulled from a separate warehouse and is refreshed every 24 hours . Ability to create and save “canned” reports to share with others . Ability to schedule reports for email distribution to external stakeholders Changes to Support Risk MAP As part of the transition from Map Mod to FEMA’s Risk Mapping, Assessment and Planning (Risk MAP) program, changes were made to the MIP to shift activities from one National Service Provider (NSP) to the Program Management (PM), Production and Technical Services (PTS) and Customer and Data Services (CDS) contractors. As these activities shifted, additional changes to MARS became necessary to protect financial data for each individual PTS contractor. As part of Service Pack 19 (SP19), which was deployed on October 2, 2009, changes were made to the MARS Studies universe restricting access for PTS system users to financial data only for their organization. Access to Amendments and Revisions data did not change. User Impact After the deployment of SP19, existing users are able to access MARS the same way as before. The only noticeable change was that they are not able to view financial data for other PTS contractors. All MIP Champions, Black Belts and Regional Program Management Leads (RPMLs) were granted access to MARS. FEMA and PM users, including Champions and RPMLs, have full access to all data. Black Belt access was restricted to viewing financial data only for their organization. Additional user access to MARS will be granted based on business need.